Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

2011: A Year of Change?

Who hasn’t at the first of every year vowed to make some major changes in his or her life?  We have all heard the phrases “Change is Good” and “Everything Changes”, but for most of us, those well-meaning resolutions fall by the wayside as we get caught up in our daily routines and continue on with life as we know it.  I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.  As we become more mature, confident adults, I think most of us work towards achieving the life we desire, but we do it gradually.   For me, somewhere around the age of 34 or 35, I began to realize that the circumstances of my life-personally, professionally, socially, spiritually-were very close to what I had been working for.  But if you compared it to my life of only 5 years earlier, it would look drastically different! Nothing had really changed dramatically; it had EVOLVED.

For some people, dramatic change is desirable and necessary.  I saw one of my former patients this week after several years had passed since her last visit to TFC.  She looked AMAZING.  She had completely altered her diet and lifestyle and was positively glowing-and happy, and ready to focus on getting pregnant.  Another woman e-mailed me to tell me that she and her husband had smoked their last cigarettes Christmas Eve!

We should all look inside and determine those changes that will have a positive effect on our own happiness and the happiness of those we interact with every day.  I think that starts with being less critical of ourselves and focusing on the positive results of the changes we’ve made the previous year.  For me, that translates into being kinder and more honestly connected to those people in my life I value, as well as more accepting and forgiving of my own shortcomings.  Here’s to change in 2011, be it gradual or drastic, but hopefully the exact change we need.

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