Texas Fertility Center Round Rock


At TFC, We Want to Get Personal

At TFC, We Want to Get Personal

Last December, I met a couple who had just relocated to Austin from Boston, where they had undergone an in vitro fertilization cycle but did not conceive. Since Massachusetts is a state with mandated coverage for fertility treatment, the procedures had cost the couple very little of their own money. The male partner, being concerned with having to pay out of pocket in Texas since his new insurance provided no coverage,

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IVF Texas Fertility Center

How Do I Know if I Have Endometriosis?

How Do I Know if I Have Endometriosis?

As I discussed last week, endometriosis is a very common condition – affecting anywhere from 6-10% of all women of reproductive age and up to 45% of infertile women. It is well known that endometriosis can cause infertility, although it has not been identified as a cause of recurrent pregnancy loss. Despite this, it is commonly overlooked during the infertility evaluation.

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Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Eat this, not that

Eat this, not that

A common question we frequently get asked is, “Is there anything I can eat that will make my treatment more successful?” I would love to be the person that comes up with the food or a magic vitamin that will make fertility treatments more successful, but I don’t think that will ever happen. Unfortunately, you cannot eat lots of carrots (and get cartonemia),

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Texas Fertility Center

A Guide to Fertility Testing

A Guide to Fertility Testing

When you have your first visit with your fertility specialist they will review your medical history along with your partner’s history for clues as to why things are not working.  For some folks, the reasons will be obvious, while other couples may not have a clear reason for infertility based on history alone.  Fertility testing can help identify potential problems and guide your fertility specialist in recommending the most appropriate and efficient treatments for success.

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Texas Fertility Center

Endometriosis? Who, Me?

Endometriosis? Who, Me?

Many patients who we see at Texas Fertility Center are surprised to find out that the primary cause of their infertility is endometriosis.  Although this condition is very common, there are still many misconceptions about endometriosis.  Over the course of the next few weeks, I’d like to take a few minutes to discuss this disease and why it’s important that we diagnose and treat it.

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Texas Fertility Center

2011: A Year of Change?

2011: A Year of Change?

Who hasn’t at the first of every year vowed to make some major changes in his or her life?  We have all heard the phrases “Change is Good” and “Everything Changes”, but for most of us, those well-meaning resolutions fall by the wayside as we get caught up in our daily routines and continue on with life as we know it. 

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Texas Fertility Center

Villainous carbs?

Villainous carbs?

Around the holidays overindulgence in carbo- loaded sweet treats may be nearly impossible to avoid, and many of us will be making a New Year’s resolution to quit consuming carbohydrates, but are carbs really all that bad for us? Obesity can certainly have a negative impact on fertility and even a 5% weight loss can cause significant improvement in metabolic parameters. 

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Infertility in your 20s Texas Fertility Center

A Weighty Issue

A Weighty Issue

Among the things that a woman can do to optimize her chances of getting pregnant – either naturally or with help – is to maintain a healthy body weight.  Women who are either underweight or overweight have a lower fertility rate than normal weight women.

The United States is currently experiencing an obesity epidemic – over 60% of women are overweight and 33% are obese. 

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Texas Fertility Center

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