Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

Male Infertility

What happened to the postcoital test (PCT) test?

What happened to the postcoital test (PCT) test?

Cervical mucus changes throughout a woman’s cycle. After the menstrual flow has ceased, the cervix begins producing cervical mucus in response to the increasing levels of estrogen. The mucus increases in volume and the texture changes. Estrogen increases until ovulation and the mucus (referred to as fertile mucus) becomes clear, slippery, and stretchy. Once ovulation occurs,

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Male Infertility Semen Analysis Texas Fertility Center

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

I was asked by a patient this week why I felt she had unexplained infertility when she had been told by her gynecologist that several issues had arisen during their infertility evaluation.  Her previous physician had told her that she did not ovulate very well and that, at laparoscopy, he found endometriosis.  She had been treated with clomiphene citrate (Clomid,

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IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Male Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Demystifying the myths of infertility

Demystifying the myths of infertility

How many times have you heard, “Just relax and you’ll get pregnant, it’ll happen when you least expect it”? For many couples, these comments that are not meant to be hurtful can be the ones that hurt the most. Many people who have not struggled with infertility don’t truly understand the magnitude of the process which leads to common myths being passed on as truths.

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Fertility Preservation Male Infertility Preparing for Pregnancy Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

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