As you know, infertility treatment is often not covered by insurance. This unfortunate fact prevents many couples who could easily benefit from fertility diagnosis and treatment from even seeking care. In fact, studies have shown that fewer than 50% of couples with infertility ever see any medical professional and less than 20% eventually see a fertility specialist.
In response to this, Texas Fertility Center is actively lobbying our congressional delegation to support the Family Act of 2011. Modeled after the Adoption Tax Credit Act, the Family Act of 2011 will allow couples who are attempting to conceive with their own gametes to receive a lifetime tax credit of $13,360 against the out of pocket cost of their fertility treatment. While we are totally supportive of the Adoption Tax Credit, from the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, we also believe that couples who want to conceive their own children should be able to receive equal treatment from our tax laws.
In order to best help us in this mission, please help us with the following:
- Go to to send a secure personal letter over the Internet to your Congressional Representatives asking them to support the Fertility Family Act of 2011.
- Let us and others know you’ve sent your letter by “Liking” the Texas Fertility Center Family Act Page and/or leaving a post on our wall.
- Cut and paste the following text (or write your own) and send it to all of your contacts asking them to help us in our effort. This works great on Facebook too!
Please join me and Texas Fertility Center to encourage Congress to pass the Fertility Family Act of 2011. Educate your Senator and Congressman/Congresswoman by telling them that infertility is an important, CUREABLE medical condition that deserves treatment. It affects over 7.3 million Americans who are often prohibited from using their health insurance dollars to cover the cost of their treatment.
By supporting the Fertility Family Act of 2011, Congress can provide people like us and countless of our friends with a lifetime tax credit to help offset the cost of fertility treatment. Please go to to send a letter of support to your Congressional Representatives.
Thank you so much!
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