Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

semen analysis

Why TFC? Embryology and Andrology

Why TFC? Embryology and Andrology

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care. Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.

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Donor Egg Cycles IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis Texas Fertility Center

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

It can be downright depressing getting back a semen analysis (sperm test) that is not ‘ideal’.

However, don’t feel alone. There are MANY MANY guys in your situation (even if they are not talking about it!). It’s true that there are a number of fertility treatments that may help you to conceive, even with low numbers of sperm.

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Infertility Testing Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

For some lucky couples, the “Fertile Myrtles” of procreation, getting pregnant involves candles and a month or two of enjoyable, yet purposeful sex. They may never know exactly when ovulation occurs, or how miraculous it is that out of millions of sperm, one strong swimmer arrives at the fallopian tube precisely when a single egg is ready.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center

Male Infertility: Scheduling a Semen Analysis

Male Infertility: Scheduling a Semen Analysis

Male Infertility: Scheduling a Semen Analysis

Certainly, getting a semen analysis (a.k.a. ‘sperm test’) does not rank high on most guys’ ‘to-do lists’…. It’s awkward – yes — but scheduling a semen analysis will help evaluate male fertility and bring you closer to the treatment that will work the most effectively for you. Remember that infertility is a disease that affects 1 in 8 couples;

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Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis

Let’s hear it for the boys: What we look for in good sperm

Let’s hear it for the boys: What we look for in good sperm

Did you know that today you will produce the sperm that could impregnate your partner three months from now? Lifestyle changes can cultivate top performers, so ask a fertility doctor for suggestions. Plan to abstain from excess alcohol and all tobacco and illegal drugs; maintain a healthy weight; and avoid overheating your nether regions in hot tubs,

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Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis

When is Enough Enough?

When is Enough Enough?

Many patients struggling to become pregnant wonder when it is time to quit. Just when is “enough enough”? It is important to realize that if the physicians at Texas Fertility Center can utilize all of the options available to us, probably 85-88% of patients will be able to have a baby. But that does not mean that there aren’t times during the treatment process when “enough is enough”.

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IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Texas Fertility Center

A Guide to Fertility Testing

A Guide to Fertility Testing

When you have your first visit with your fertility specialist they will review your medical history along with your partner’s history for clues as to why things are not working.  For some folks, the reasons will be obvious, while other couples may not have a clear reason for infertility based on history alone.  Fertility testing can help identify potential problems and guide your fertility specialist in recommending the most appropriate and efficient treatments for success.

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Texas Fertility Center

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