Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

Infertility Testing

Sometimes Symptomless, Endometrial Polyps Can Cause Infertility

Sometimes Symptomless, Endometrial Polyps Can Cause Infertility

If you’ve checked the box “bleeding between periods” or “irregular menstrual periods” on your health history form, your obgyn or fertility doctor may suspect a number of causes, including endometrial polyps. These overgrowths on the inside lining (endometrium) of the uterine wall are common and usually benign, but can interfere with your goal of getting pregnant.

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Infertility Testing Patient Education Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Surgical Evaluation of Infertility

Surgical Evaluation of Infertility

Female infertility can be caused by multiple factors. Among the most common are ovulation disorders, fallopian tube disease, endometriosis, and uterine defects. While problems with ovulation are managed primarily with medications, the remaining conditions are most commonly diagnosed and treated with surgical intervention. Sonogram imaging of the uterus and ovaries may show conditions such as ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids (benign muscle tumors) that can compromise fertility.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Next Step: Surgery

Next Step: Surgery

After completing your fertility evaluation, your physician may recommend surgery as a next step.

Surgery can be an excellent way to diagnose and treat many gynecological problems such as: endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic and/or intrauterine adhesions, uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, fallopian tube disease and obstruction, and congenital abnormalities of the pelvic organs such as a uterine or vaginal septum.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Hydrosalpinx and Infertility

Hydrosalpinx and Infertility

What is a hydrosalpinx?

Though it sounds like an exotic Egyptian relic, a hydrosalpinx is a swollen and blocked fallopian tube. Because the end of the fallopian tube is closed off by scar tissue, fluid abnormally collects, causing further swelling and dilation of the fallopian tube.

Hydrosalpinges usually occur as a result of previous pelvic infection.

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Infertility Testing Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

In general, women with low ovarian reserve will have difficulty in achieving pregnancy. But what about in advanced reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF?

Ovarian Reserve

Let’s first discuss what the term ovarian reserve means. Ovarian reserve refers to quantity, or number, of eggs remaining that are available to achieve pregnancy. We are unable to measure this exactly,

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Infertility in your 40s Infertility Testing IVF Texas Fertility Center

Why Should A Woman Having Trouble Conceiving Consider Having A Laparoscopy?

Why Should A Woman Having Trouble Conceiving Consider Having A Laparoscopy?

The basic evaluation for couples struggling to become pregnant includes a semen analysis, blood tests to evaluate ovarian function, a hysterosalpingogram and a pelvic sonogram to evaluate the uterus and fallopian tubes. It is not uncommon for couples to undergo this basic evaluation for infertility and find that all of their tests are normal. At that point,

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Infertility Testing Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

My OB/GYN Thinks I Need Help Getting Pregnant….Now What?

My OB/GYN Thinks I Need Help Getting Pregnant….Now What?

Growing up, almost every girl dreams of having their own family. You play it out in your head a million times, thinking about exactly when it will happen and what it will be like. Never in a million years did you think that having a baby could be so difficult.

Infertility affects approximately 6.1 million women in the United States so you are not alone.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

It can be downright depressing getting back a semen analysis (sperm test) that is not ‘ideal’.

However, don’t feel alone. There are MANY MANY guys in your situation (even if they are not talking about it!). It’s true that there are a number of fertility treatments that may help you to conceive, even with low numbers of sperm.

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Infertility Testing Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

For some lucky couples, the “Fertile Myrtles” of procreation, getting pregnant involves candles and a month or two of enjoyable, yet purposeful sex. They may never know exactly when ovulation occurs, or how miraculous it is that out of millions of sperm, one strong swimmer arrives at the fallopian tube precisely when a single egg is ready.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center

I thought Clomid was prescribed only for Women?

I thought Clomid was prescribed only for Women?

Believe it or not, Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is a medication that can be used both in male and female infertility.

– when Clomid is prescribed for a woman it is used to help induce ovulation and for men it is used to help increase testosterone and increase sperm counts.

Clomid works by blocking estrogen at the pituitary and the hypothalamus.

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Infertility Testing Male Infertility Texas Fertility Center

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