Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

Patient Education

Flu and Fertility: Should I Get a Flu Shot?

Flu and Fertility: Should I Get a Flu Shot?

Texas Fertility Center patients frequently ask us about the flu vaccine, and whether they should take this precautionary step prior to or during fertility treatment. Your goal is to get pregnant, so protecting your health is of paramount importance now and in the future.

What TFC Fertility Friends Frequently Ask About Flu

It’s January/February.

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Patient Education Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center

Coenzyme Q 10 and Female Fertility

Coenzyme Q 10 and Female Fertility

Coenzyme Q 10, aka Co Q 10, but also known as ubiquinone, is a fat-soluble, vitamin-like compound that naturally occurs in most cells of the body, primarily in the mitochondria. Co Q 10 is needed for the basic function of cells and is the source of energy for the mitochondria. Mitochondria are the organelles inside cells that generate energy for the cell in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP),

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Continuing Education Patient Education Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Texas Fertility Center

What Does Infertility Have in Common with Breast Cancer?

What Does Infertility Have in Common with Breast Cancer?

The infertility community shares a sobering statistic with breast cancer patients: One in 8 women will face a breast cancer diagnosis and one in 8 couples will experience infertility.

Like advances in reproductive medicine that offer hope for a cure, breast cancer treatment and early detection are helping women survive their breast cancer diagnosis.

You may not know that Texas Fertility Center physicians,

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Breast Cancer Awareness Fertility Preservation Patient Education Texas Fertility Center

Fertility Preservation Options

Fertility Preservation Options

Preserving fertility by freezing eggs, sperm, or embryos is recommended for patients in many different circumstances.

While this issue of our newsletter is highlighting breast cancer awareness, I would also like to take this opportunity to discuss some other scenarios in which fertility preservation should be considered.

The treatments needed to help eradicate cancer in both men and women can result in a markedly decreased production of sperm or eggs or even complete loss of fertility.

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Breast Cancer Awareness Fertility Preservation Patient Education Texas Fertility Center

Sometimes Symptomless, Endometrial Polyps Can Cause Infertility

Sometimes Symptomless, Endometrial Polyps Can Cause Infertility

If you’ve checked the box “bleeding between periods” or “irregular menstrual periods” on your health history form, your obgyn or fertility doctor may suspect a number of causes, including endometrial polyps. These overgrowths on the inside lining (endometrium) of the uterine wall are common and usually benign, but can interfere with your goal of getting pregnant.

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Infertility Testing Patient Education Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

What TFC Is Doing To Help the Infertility Community

What TFC Is Doing To Help the Infertility Community

Out of pocket? What TFC is doing to help the infertility community

Caring for patients involves more than infertility diagnosis, treatment and resolution. Texas Fertility Center physicians and staff spend time, here in Austin and Washington D.C., advocating for those faced with infertility. These efforts include building awareness among our legislative delegation about infertility, supporting legislation that positively affects our patients,

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Family Act of 2011 Patient Advocacy Patient Education Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Have your Voice Heard: Support the Family Act of 2011

Have your Voice Heard: Support the Family Act of 2011

As you know, infertility treatment is often not covered by insurance.  This unfortunate fact prevents many couples who could easily benefit from fertility diagnosis and treatment from even seeking care.  In fact, studies have shown that fewer than 50% of couples with infertility ever see any medical professional and less than 20% eventually see a fertility specialist.

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Family Act of 2011 Patient Advocacy Patient Education Texas Fertility Center

Why TFC? Medical Staff Leadership, Consulting with Industry

Why TFC? Medical Staff Leadership, Consulting with Industry

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care.  Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area. 

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Patient Advocacy Patient Education Research Texas Fertility Center

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