Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

third party reproduction

Donor Embryos: The 3rd Option in 3rd Party Reproduction

Donor Embryos: The 3rd Option in 3rd Party Reproduction

Third-party reproduction involves a donor who is willing to provide gametes (reproductive material) to a couple or individual hoping to get pregnant. Over time, oocyte (egg) and sperm donation has become familiar to those searching for viable choices to resolve infertility. Donor embryos are the latest option for patients, and one of the most intriguing.

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Donor Egg Cycles IVF Texas Fertility Center Third Party Reproduction

How Third-Party Reproduction Can Help Infertility

How Third-Party Reproduction Can Help Infertility

Third party reproduction refers to the use of donor egg (oocyte), donor sperm and/or gestational carrier services. It can make pregnancy possible for individuals and couples who might otherwise not have options for having a child.

Texas Fertility Center provides a variety of donor services – including an in-house donor egg program, which allows us to retain control over the screening process.

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Donor Egg Cycles Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center Third Party Reproduction

Getting Intentional about Third-Party Reproduction

Getting Intentional about Third-Party Reproduction

When you decide to pursue third-party reproduction as an alternative to childlessness or adoption, you solidify your intentions to become a parent. As an intended parent in Texas Fertility Center’s donor services program, you can achieve your dream of growing or starting your family through the use of donor eggs, donor sperm, and/or gestational surrogacy.

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Donor Egg Cycles IVF Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center Third Party Reproduction

Gestational Surrogacy

Gestational Surrogacy

For women and couples who are unable to conceive due to an irregular or absent uterus – or if other fertility treatments have failed – gestational surrogacy may allow them to grow the family of their dreams. Gestational surrogacy (a.k.a. gestational carriage) is the scenario in which the woman carrying the pregnancy is not genetically related to the child and this is legal in the state of Texas.

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IVF Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center Third Party Reproduction

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