Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

infertility specialist

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

Not a Lot of Good Swimmers? What You Can Do To Enhance Your Fertility

It can be downright depressing getting back a semen analysis (sperm test) that is not ‘ideal’.

However, don’t feel alone. There are MANY MANY guys in your situation (even if they are not talking about it!). It’s true that there are a number of fertility treatments that may help you to conceive, even with low numbers of sperm.

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Infertility Testing Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

A Fertility Specialist Explains the Science of Making Love

For some lucky couples, the “Fertile Myrtles” of procreation, getting pregnant involves candles and a month or two of enjoyable, yet purposeful sex. They may never know exactly when ovulation occurs, or how miraculous it is that out of millions of sperm, one strong swimmer arrives at the fallopian tube precisely when a single egg is ready.

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Infertility Testing Preparing for Pregnancy Texas Fertility Center

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

I was asked by a patient this week why I felt she had unexplained infertility when she had been told by her gynecologist that several issues had arisen during their infertility evaluation.  Her previous physician had told her that she did not ovulate very well and that, at laparoscopy, he found endometriosis.  She had been treated with clomiphene citrate (Clomid,

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IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Male Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Fertility Facts and Statistics

Fertility Facts and Statistics

Infertility is a very common condition estimated to affect approximately 1 in 8 couples. This may even be an underestimate since many couples never end up seeking care. As patient awareness and education increases, the number of couples seeking care and achieving their goal of family building will increase. Presently the CDC estimates that ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) accounts for slightly more than 1% of total U.S.

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Texas Fertility Center

Demystifying the myths of infertility

Demystifying the myths of infertility

How many times have you heard, “Just relax and you’ll get pregnant, it’ll happen when you least expect it”? For many couples, these comments that are not meant to be hurtful can be the ones that hurt the most. Many people who have not struggled with infertility don’t truly understand the magnitude of the process which leads to common myths being passed on as truths.

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Fertility Preservation Male Infertility Preparing for Pregnancy Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

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