Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

ovarian reserve

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

In general, women with low ovarian reserve will have difficulty in achieving pregnancy. But what about in advanced reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF?

Ovarian Reserve

Let’s first discuss what the term ovarian reserve means. Ovarian reserve refers to quantity, or number, of eggs remaining that are available to achieve pregnancy. We are unable to measure this exactly,

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Infertility in your 40s Infertility Testing IVF Texas Fertility Center

A Guide to Fertility Testing

A Guide to Fertility Testing

When you have your first visit with your fertility specialist they will review your medical history along with your partner’s history for clues as to why things are not working.  For some folks, the reasons will be obvious, while other couples may not have a clear reason for infertility based on history alone.  Fertility testing can help identify potential problems and guide your fertility specialist in recommending the most appropriate and efficient treatments for success.

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Texas Fertility Center

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

Explaining Unexplained Infertility

I was asked by a patient this week why I felt she had unexplained infertility when she had been told by her gynecologist that several issues had arisen during their infertility evaluation.  Her previous physician had told her that she did not ovulate very well and that, at laparoscopy, he found endometriosis.  She had been treated with clomiphene citrate (Clomid,

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IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Male Infertility Texas Fertility Center

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