Texas Fertility Center Round Rock

Texas Fertility Center

TFC Celebrates Our 26th Annual IVF Baby Reunion

TFC Celebrates Our 26th Annual IVF Baby Reunion

The physicians and staff at Texas Fertility Center and Austin IVF celebrated our 26th Annual Baby Reunion Sunday at the Dell Jewish Community Center. It was a fun-filled celebration that included bounce houses, face painting, balloon animals, a clown and pictures galore! Over 400 parents and children attended, which provided an amazing opportunity for us all to see how many families have succeeded in overcoming the challenges of infertility!

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IVF Patient Advocacy Research Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Why TFC? Mental Health and Acupuncture, Research

Why TFC? Mental Health and Acupuncture, Research

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care.  Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area. 

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IVF Patient Advocacy Research Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

Poor Ovarian Reserve and IVF Outcomes

In general, women with low ovarian reserve will have difficulty in achieving pregnancy. But what about in advanced reproductive technology (ART) such as IVF?

Ovarian Reserve

Let’s first discuss what the term ovarian reserve means. Ovarian reserve refers to quantity, or number, of eggs remaining that are available to achieve pregnancy. We are unable to measure this exactly,

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Infertility in your 40s Infertility Testing IVF Texas Fertility Center

Why TFC? Surgery and Our Clinical Staff

Why TFC? Surgery and Our Clinical Staff

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care.  Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area. 

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IVF Patient Advocacy Surgical Management of Infertility Texas Fertility Center

TFC Pauses to Remember Acts of Sacrifice this Memorial Day

TFC Pauses to Remember Acts of Sacrifice this Memorial Day

This Monday, America recognizes the men and women in uniform who died in service to their country. We at Texas Fertility Center regularly share news and coping strategies for dealing with infertility in this space. On this day, we dedicate our message to remembering, and encourage you to observe a moment of silence on Memorial Day at 3 p.m.

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Fertility Preservation IVF Texas Fertility Center

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is an over response to the use of ovulation induction medications, especially injected medications. Women with OHSS have enlarged ovaries and an increase of fluid leaking from the blood capillaries causing fluid to accumulate in the abdomen. Onset of OHSS symptoms typically occurs soon after egg retrieval and can last a couple of days to a week or two depending on the severity.

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IVF Patient Education Texas Fertility Center

Preimplantation Genetic Screening and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: What is it?

Preimplantation Genetic Screening and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: What is it?

For some patients, the need to transfer genetically normal embryos is paramount. To help achieve this, preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), is an option to test embryos prior to transfer.

Who needs PGS/PGD?

PGS/PGD is not necessary or even recommended for all couples. However, in some cases,

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IVF Preimplantation Genetic Screening Texas Fertility Center

Why TFC? Fertility Preservation

Why TFC? Fertility Preservation

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care. Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.

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Fertility Preservation IVF Male Infertility Surviving Infertility Texas Fertility Center

Why TFC? Embryology and Andrology

Why TFC? Embryology and Andrology

When a patient of mine recently moved to California, she asked me to refer her to a specialist who could continue her care. Drs. Vaughn, Hansard, Burger, and I have each noticed that when we provide our patients with a couple of names, they frequently ask us why we chose those particular specialists over many others in the same area.

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Donor Egg Cycles IUI, Intrauterine Insemination IVF Low Sperm Counts Male Infertility Semen Analysis Texas Fertility Center

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